Blog Archives

2018 DVRA Holiday Party Photo Album

Members and guests celebrating at the 2018 DVRA Holiday Party. Photo credit Lance Weight, KC2MTO


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DVRA receives presentation by TCNJ students on the history of communications

The DVRA receives a presentation by students enrolled in The College of New Jersey’s Electrical and Computer Engineering Program, titled “The History of Communications” under direction of Dr. Allen Katz, K2UYH.  November 14th, 2018

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K2AFO Andrew helps introduce Scouts to amateur radio

Eagle Scout Andrew Orsini, K2AFO, helps introduce Scouts to amateur radio during K2BSA 61st JOTA activities at the W2ZQ club station.  October 20th, 2018

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Memories of ARRL Field Day 2018

The DVRA Field Day event on June 23rd and 24th 2018 was a great effort by many club members, long time friends, and several members of the public that walked up. The weather was forecast to be challenging, however the rain held off until after the initial setup was completed Friday evening and only our security team was impacted.

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DVRA members visit W1AW

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Memories of August 2016 Shack Remodel

The entire remodel took place between August 13 and September 03.

General Shack Design

  • Two operating positions separated buy partitions with some sort of acoustic sound reduction. Operating tables/desks will be movable to provide for rear access for cabling
  • Meeting Area
  • Minimal solder/repair area for minor repairs
  • Relocation and consolidation of 2 meter repeater equipment

Construction Tasks

  • Removal of all equipment and items to a temporary storage POD
  • Dismantle and remove existing operating table and work bench
  • Replace all ceiling tiles
  • Paint all walls and add acoustic tiles in strategic places isolate sound
  • Install new flooring over existing floor
  • Consolidate 2m repeater equipment

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Memories of the Aug 2016 Summer Picnic

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Memories of ARRL Field Day 2016

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ARRL Field Day 2016 Promo Video


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Memories of ARRL Field Day 2015

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