Feb 12th DVRA monthly meeting features presentation titled “Software Defined Radio—An Overview”

Greg Mauro, K3EA, operates SSB voice on 20 and 40 meters during the 2019 CQWW DX SSB Contest at the Delaware Valley Radio Association – W2ZQ club station on Sunday, October 27th. Photo courtesy Anthony Giancarli, KD2NHG.

Note: New meeting place due to construction renovations at Our Lady of Good Council Church.

On Wednesday, February 12th 2020, the Delaware Valley Radio Association monthly meeting will feature a presentation titled Software Defined RadioAn Overview presented by Greg Mauro, K3EA.

Open to the public. Feel free to join for all or part of the meeting.

  • Combined Directors/Business Meeting from 6:30 to 7:00 PM
  • Social/refreshment period from 7:00 to 7:30 PM
  • Featured presentation at 7:30 PM

Click for driving directions to our meeting space — Incarnation – St. James Church, 1545 Pennington Rd, Ewing Township, NJ 08618 (basement)

Greg (K3EA) was first licensed as a Novice in 1976, during his freshman year of college, as WB3EJC.  After upgrading, he acquired his current callsign in 1978.  Optimal conditions during solar cycle 21 sparked an early interest in DXing.  His other ham radio interests include kit building, home brewing,  digital mode operating, antenna construction, VHF/UHF operating,  HF mobile and portable operating,  He is currently QRV on 3.5 Mhz through 1296 Mhz from his home station.  Greg joined the DVRA in 2016 and is currently serving his third term as club Treasurer.

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