DVRA Fox Hunt Report – 12/3/2022

Supply chain issues prevented us from getting the good weather that was ordered for the day.  But the rain that was delivered on December 3rd did not dampen the spirts of the stalwart fox and hunters.  Six people in four teams met up at the Chapin School parking lot to embark upon the final fox hunt of the 2022 season.

At 9:00am, the main fox started transmitting and the teams began the search. 

Chris, WA2SEM along with his daughter Megan were the special guest fox for the December outing.  Thank you both for a job well done.

Vito, K2VTO – Rich, KD2CQ – and the team Eric, AC2OK, Phil, KC2WAN, and Jean, AD2EK all successfully tracked down the 2W fox at the Historic Hunt House off Blackwell Road in Pennington.  It seems like it was an appropriately named location.

Yours truly had the opportunity to be a hunter during this event and had fun testing out a new Doppler shift RDF system.

I want to thank everyone that participated this year’s fox hunting events – both foxes and hunters.  I look forward to 2023.  Keep an eye on for news about the Spring training session which includes an antenna building workshop and mini fox hunt (gotta tryout that antenna you just built, right?)

Happy Holidays & 73,

Glen, NK1N, DVRA Huntmaster

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