Dec. 8th DVRA monthly meeting (VIRTUAL WEB CONFERENCE) features a presentation titled “Ham or Not Ham”? by Cliff Green, WA2TMF

On Wednesday, December 8th 2021, the Delaware Valley Radio Association monthly meeting HELD VIA VIRTUAL WEB CONFERENCE will feature a presentation titled “Ham or Not Ham”? by Cliff Green, WA2TMF.

Brought back by popular demand, Cliff will once again bring us the Holiday Feature Presentation “Ham or Not Ham”, a trivia quiz from the “bowels” of Ham Radio (version 2).

Be prepared to answer questions relating to vintage radio, current operations, factual nonsense and other Ham or Not Ham stuff.

Join in to end the year with a night of fun.

Open to the public. Feel free to join for all or part of the meeting.

  • Announcements
  • Annual elections
  • Featured presentation at 7:30 PM

Members will receive an email with instructions on how to join the Zoom teleconference by December 6th. Members of the public are invited to request conference credentials by sending a message to

Cliff Green (WA2TMF) was licensed in 1977 (Solar Cycle 21) and holds an Amateur Extra Class license. An avid DX Chaser with only 3 more countries left to work to complete the entire DXCC list, never running more than 100 watts and using only home-brew wire antennas. Most of the time he can be found on the CW portion of the bands enjoying QRP QSO’s.

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